Sunday, August 4, 2013

#PinOfTheDay - DIY Ball Maze!

If you haven't heard, I love Pinterest. I'll admit it! I'm totally obsessed and once I get on, I can't stop! I thought I would share one of my favorite pins that I've found today: a DIY Ball Maze!

(pinned from here)

This looks so simple, made from a cardboard box and wrapping paper/paper towel/toilet paper tubes, but I know it would be so much fun! I work with kids year-round, and if I were to have this at my house or in their classroom or playroom, this would just make their day!

A Happy Wanderer has the instructions to this fun kid activity. It would be a great project for one of the few remaining days of summer!



  1. Great idea, I gotta try it! I'm a new follower from MBC and would love a follow back at


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